just a buncha stuff i don't care to post as its own thing. mostly sketches.
I'll start off with the most recent: Revolver Ocelot. Wouldn't say its particularly good, but man i really, really like this sketch. For some reason I used my mouse instead of my drawing tablet. Tried to do line art, and just could capture the same feel. Might try again at a later date.

Damascus: Skeleton Detective
'Nother OC. For some reason I give him Inspector Gadget colors in his first drawing. Could've sworn i posted a walking animation I did for him here, but apparently not. I'll throw it down here as well.

Started to use Game Maker and got collision, walking, and animations to work but slowly lost motivation, and my trial would soon run up anyways. I hardly had a clue what I was doing regardless. Might come back to the idea at somepoint.

I suppose I'll add some more pixel art while I'm at it: The Nerd
This was one of my first real pixel animations, and gradually over the course of weeks, then months I'd make it just a bit smoother, and smoother, until what you see now came to be.

big fan of this guy

I posted the Freddy Fazbear one, but this was my first ever digital painting. (clearly heavily based on a sprite of a little funky guy I drew)

Another rough OC sketch, The Combuster
drew this for a potential homebrew tabletop rpg I've been putting off on actually making.

Every day im doing an art prompt and one of them was simply "awesome reaper"
google search grim reaper with gun, it is the coolest shit.

Whew actual sketch time, this one of Springtrap. Really like how hollow he looks. Tried to do line art on this one as well, but it turned out poopy

And I'll have this be the last one. Makoto Yuki/Minato Arisato/Persona 3 Protagonist, whatever you want. Probably my favorite visual design for any silent protagonist. I really like his characterization in the anime.
Anyways yeah, hope you enjoyed my rambling and doodles.